Tuesday, July 18, 2017


One song writer wrote that "Trouble don't last always," and this is true, but good times also come to an end.

As much as we would like for some things in our lives to stay the same, unfortunately they do not.

I read a quote that said: "Trouble comes to past and doesn't last forever. It has an expiration date." I don't know about you, but I think it is quite encouraging to know that trouble is temporary and will eventually come to an end. That is something to think about the next time you find yourself in trouble or dealing with a problematic situation.

While, some people like to share their personal opinion, I don't share mine too much, because everyone has one and opinions lack the substance needed to become the standard for one's life. I consider opinions to be like feelings, which are transient, so I prefer to stand on the words of God, my Heavenly Father and Creator of the universe.

The Scriptures tells us the following:
"Many evils confront the [consistently] righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all (Psalm 34:19_AMP). 
Nothing in life stays the same forever. Trials do come to an end and good times {as much as we would like for them to continue} don't last forever. The life we live on this earth has seasons, which will cause us to either thank and praise God for His love, grace and mercy; or to draw nearer to him in prayer for wisdom, comfort and direction during the less favorable times (Proverbs 3:5-6).

God never promised us a Rose Garden without thorns. But, His Word says He will give us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3).

No matter what life brings your way, remember that God will never leave you alone or without support (Hebrews 13:5_AMP). That's a promise on which you can believe and depend for life!

I pray that you will experience the love, peace and comfort of God everyday of your life as you seek to know Him in a personal way, in Jesus' Name. So be it!

Monday, May 1, 2017

WAITING in Prose

Blessed be the God of all creation,
How merciful You are to mankind.
Blessed be the God of all the nations,
There is no other like You we can find.
What is it about man that makes him hurry?
Heavens, earth You created in seven days.
What is it about man that makes him worry?
He can cast his care on You and offer praise!
Why do we struggle, when we should be still?
Your desire is that we know You ways.
Why do we struggle against Your will?
When we should trust You and obey.
Your Word tells us we are blessed as we wait,
But we must keep our focus on You.
For, it is strength in us You desire to create.
And, if we're trusting, You will come through.
It seems like things are just standing still,
and we can't shorten the WAIT.
You're God and Your Word you will fulfill.
Though, You're not early, You're NEVER late.
Selah [pause and calmly think about that]!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


An old standard hymn that is sung in many Baptist churches in our nation is "Just a Little Talk with Jesus,” which was penned by Minister Cleavant Derricks and published in 1937. In this song, the writer is telling his story about being in sin, then being saved or taken in by Jesus and experiencing the light of heaven in his soul. This same light bathed his heart in love. His ‘little’ talk with Jesus made him whole. Scripture tells us that the love of God is shed abroad in the hearts of all believers by the Holy Ghost (Romans 5:5b). This song is about prayer; and just as the writer talked with Jesus, we too can tell Jesus about our troubles and He will hear our faintest cry and answer us. Isaiah 65:24 is a prophetic word to God’s people that assures us of His faithfulness to hear our prayers and answer them: “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” We don’t have to be overwhelmed by the cares of this life; we can cast them on the Lord, because He cares for us more than we know (1 Peter 5:7).

Although, Minister Derricks called prayer ‘having a little talk with Jesus,’ we know there are other definitions for prayer. Let’s examine the Merriam-Webster definition: Prayer is defined as: (1) an address (as a petition) to God (or a god) in word or thought; (2) the act or practice of praying to God (or a god) < kneeling in prayer>.

Those in Christ know prayer as the means Christians use to communicate with and offer petitions to God, who is the ‘only One Supreme Creator and Sovereign Lord.’  Jesus made a way through Calvary for us to go the Father and that is through Jesus Christ, His only Begotten Son. We can be assured by Scripture that tells us God alone hears and answers our prayers.’ Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”  (Philippians 4:6-7 Mess.)

Here are some important things to know about prayer:

1. Like Jesus’ Disciples, we need to ask the Lord to teach us the manner in which we should pray   (being persistent, but not repetitious).  Jesus instructed the Disciples to pray – The Model or Lord's Prayer (Mt. 7:7; Luke 11:1b – 4; Matthew 6:9-13); 

2. Because, we don't know how to pray as we ought, the Holy Spirit helps us in our [physical] weaknesses and makes intercession for us with deep, inarticulate sounds, which cannot be uttered, according to the will of God. (Romans 8:26-27);

3. Prayer needs practice therefore, the more we pray, the more able and powerful, we will become in communicating with our Father, hearing His voice and getting results. (Galatians 6:9);

4. Don’t expect God to answer prayers that are not offered from a sincere heart and in [believing] faith. The effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous avail much (produce the best results). (Mark 11: 22-26; James 5:16b; Hebrews 11:6); and

5. Whenever we approach God’s throne of grace, we are to pray with reverence.  (Psalm 95:6; Hebrews 4:16)

In Ephesians, Chapter 6, prayer  is mentioned as a weapon of God's Whole Armor, which empowers us to wage war against the devil.  God wants us to be thoroughly equipped and able to stand against the wiles of the devil therefore; we are to PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD DAILY (Ephesians 6:10-11).

·       WHICH way are we to use this weapon of prayer? We are exhorted to provide a spiritual covering by “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for ALL saints.” (Eph. 6:18_KJV)

·       WHO should we pray for?  We should pray for everyone and especially for those who are of the household of faith. We are also to pray for one for another to receive healing, when there is illness. (Galatians 6:10; James 5:16a) Although, it can be painful, we are also to pray for those who express malice or hatred toward us and intend us harm. (Matthew 5:44)

·       WHERE should we go to pray? Instead of being like the biblical hypocrites, who liked to be seen when they prayed, we should enter our closet and pray to God in secret. (Matthew 6:5-6)

·       HOW often are we to pray? We are to pray without ceasing but surely, not on our knees for 24 hours per day. Instead, we are to maintain a prayerful attitude (offering prayers from the altar of our hearts) and focus on God by practicing His presence wherever and whenever we can. For those in the workplace, taking a ‘prayer and praise’ break will provide God’s peace and freedom from excess stress or stressors! Daily protection and power require sincere daily prayer. (i.e. ‘Watch and pray, so you won't enter into temptation’) (1Thessalonians 5:17; Matthews 26:41_KJV)

In closing, let's remember that prayer is personal, an awesome privilege, and should be practiced daily (and even throughout the day). We have the God-given opportunity to come boldly to the throne of grace. (Hebrews 4:16)  We are not to come to Him with only our petitions, but we should also come with praise, worship, and adoration as we let Him know how much we love Him. There is nothing better than spending quality time with the one you love and being able to express that love. We can express our love to God any time through simple and sincere prayer. 

Saturday, April 15, 2017


“Mirror, Mirror upon the wall, who’s the fairest of all?” The Mirror answered "Thou, O Queen, art the fairest of all," 'and the Queen was contented because, she knew the Mirror could speak nothing but the truth.’ 

Most of us remember this fairy tale from our childhood, yet even today some people desire to be the most striking and beautiful above all others.  How you and I see ourselves is important but, how others see us should also be considered.  We're on the outside looking in, but people can sometimes see things about us that we can’t or won’t accept.  Without a mirror, how would we know how we looked in the morning or the image that we portray from day to day?  When you take a good look in a mirror, do you always believe what you see?  Whether you do or not, a mirror doesn’t lie, nor does God’s Word.  While we all have at least one mirror in our possession, let’s consider the Word of God as a heavenly looking glass (God’s Mirror), which allows us to see the reflection of our soul (inner character, nature).  When was the last time you took a good look in the mirror of God’s Word?  If it’s been a while, use this time to take a look! Let’s first review the word mirror as both a noun and a verb. Secondly, we will consider the terms below with: what the Word of God is (a true representation of God) and what the Word instructs us to do in our personal lives (represent God, imitate Christ):

Mirror (n): 1. A polished or smooth surface (as of glass) that forms images by reflection; 2 a: something that gives a true representation b: an exemplary model.

Mirror (v): 1. Reflect: echo, copy, emulate, parallel, imitate; 2. Represent: To represent, epitomize, illustrate, symbolize, typify, or signify.


·       We use MIRRORS to SEE (observe, perceive, distinguish, make out) our physical appearance which can be either good or bad (satisfactory or unacceptable) and we make adjustments based on our perception of how we see ourselves and what we think is best for our lives. There is one concern, which could be a problem: Our perception is not always realistic or biblical (the way God sees us or desires for us to be). We do not normally use anything to see or monitor our behavior (actions, deeds, activities). Without a mirror or gauge, we cannot really see ourselves and do not know how we or our actions look, but others can see in us what we cannot.  Also, others see things that we refuse to acknowledge, accept or believe about ourselves.  We do not always want to know or receive the truth about ourselves. And sometimes, we are not always receptive to the opinion or evaluation others have about our actions – especially if we consider them negative. Consider this verse: “Jesus said . . ., ‘You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.’” (John 8:31-32 NLT) How can we determine or measure our spiritual persona (appearance) without a gauge or mirror?  We cannot!  Also, we should not ignore our spiritual condition if and when it is in need of correction or a remedy.  Jesus is the answer for not only our spiritual condition; but also the spiritual malady of those in the world today! 

·       The Word of God is a spiritual barometer that when used properly and consistently will help us to: avoid unacceptable and destructive behavior, as well as sin. We cannot change what is wrong in ourselves unless it is revealed to us (by God’s Spirit or another person).  How do we handle the facts we receive? If we truly desire to change, we should have an open mind and not take offense.  God expects us to be holy as He is holy and imitators of Jesus Christ.  We should MIRROR what we read and hear from the Word of God so that our images, words, and actions are a true representation that demonstrate Christ to others. 

·       We cannot change or grow spiritually in God without practicing some fundamental things: Let’s look at some ABC’s:

1.     We must ACKNOWLEDGE what is revealed to us and be reconciled with the truth (of God’s Word). ”We cannot conquer what we do not confront and we cannot confront what we do not identify.” For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

2.     We must BELIEVE in Jesus and that He is our only hope for deliverance and salvation. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life. (John 14:6; Romans 10:9)

3.     We must CONFESS our sins and imperfections to God as well as to those we have offended so that, we can be forgiven and cleansed of our unrighteousness.  An important element of confession is REPENTANCE which involves true contrition and a change of mind.  With repentance, we decide to turn away completely from all habitual behavior and any ungodly lifestyle that hinders our spiritual growth in God.  (1 John 1:8-9)

Sometimes, we become accustomed to seeing ourselves in a way that makes us feel comfortable; however our complacent ways are not always conformable to God’s way.  Remember, God’s ways are higher than ours and His thoughts than our thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9)  God is holy and expects us to be holy. (1 Peter 1:16)  As we consistently look into the mirror of God’s Word, we will be renewed in the spirit of our minds and when our minds are renewed, we can prove what is that good, perfect and acceptable will of God. (Romans 12:2)   As we mirror God’s Word and hide it in our hearts, our likeness, words and actions will be a true reflection of Jesus Christ and His love.

Friday, March 31, 2017


If you find yourself in a state of depression at this time, I have good news for you! THAT STATE the things that affect the way you think and feel---: your physical or mental condition IS NOT PERMANENT, unless you choose to stay in it just like the state in which you live in America.

Because, I rely on the Word of God, I would like to prescribe a few Scriptures, because they provide encouragement and healing. First Corinthians 2:16, says that those who believe in Jesus have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings and purposes of His heart. It may seem impossible, but it is possible through consistent reading and meditation of God's Word, which is not passive, but powerful. Take a look at the following verse which describes the Word of God:
"For the word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective]. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person], and both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12_Amp)."
The Word of God is very powerful and would help to eliminate bad thoughts and prevent the wrong state of mind. Depression is not contagious, but I consider it to be a self-induced condition: a state of feeling sad. And, feeling sad is caused by focusing and obsessing on wrong things, misfortunes and mistakes from one's past {that can't be changed}.
Living in depression is hazardous to good physical, spiritual and emotional health, because the medication could fuel medical conditions and/or side effects for an individual.

I am thankful for God's Word, because it is the best remedy for one's spiritual, physical and emotional health. If you speak the Word daily, keep it in your hearing, before your eyes and hide it in your heart, it will bring life and healing to all your flesh (Proverbs 4: 21-22). Unlike pharmaceutical drugs that can become addictive and/or cause medical problems, the Scriptures will cause no side effects or adverse reactions to the recipient. Most importantly, there's no need for a prescription or a prescription plan, because the Scriptures are free for the taking and there is never a chance of an overdose. 

Depression has become so common place that people talk about it more than they try to eliminate it. How can an individual avoid depression if what they consistently say, see and think is NEGATIVE? There is no way to avoid depression under those circumstances with negative words, images and thoughts. We make the choice about what we watch on television, the books and magazines we read and what we focus on and think about the most, but never consider the impact of these things on our lives. "What you focus on the most will grow." Unfortunately, some people who suffer with depression have not put 2+2 together and have no idea why they became depressed. While depression is not a friend, it's never treated like an enemy, so it can be eliminated. Instead, it has become a tolerated part of life for many.
Thoughts are very important for one's well-being and success in life. You are what you think and "where the mind goes, the man (or woman) follows Joyce Meyer]."

Outside of illegal drug use, I believe that we can control and eliminate depression in our lives. To be successful, it will require taking inventory of what we allow to enter our eye and ear gates, our thoughts, and what we harbor in our heart. The late Kenneth E. Hagin always said: "You can't stop a bird from flying over your head, but you don't have to let it make a nest in your hair." I believe this quote hits the nail on the head. We must be honest about the things over which we have control that could fuel depression in our lives and that of loved ones. We each must to decide to stop all passivity and become much more resistant towards depression, because it is NOT normal. 

When it comes to depression, prevention is better than cure!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, which I trust has given you some food for better thoughts. May God's goodness and mercy follow you always (Psalm 23:6).

Sunday, February 12, 2017

This month's observations are: Black historical accomplishments and Valentine's Day. Unlike American history, which has shaped the life of every Black American {and not always in positive ways}; Black history should be acknowledged by all White Americans because, many Black men and women, gave their blood, sweat and tears to make this nation what it is today. The products and achievements of ingenious Black men and women have been a benefit to every citizen of this nation, but unfortunately, American history books are deplete of  any mention of  Black {or Negro} citizens, outside of slavery and the Emancipation Proclamation, which President Abraham Lincoln issued on January 1, 1863.

As I think about Valentine's Day, I find it ironic that we only celebrate love for one day, when it should be celebrated all year long. One songwriter penned: "Love makes the world go round." I don't believe that love actually causes the world to revolve around the axis of earth, but love does make hearts beat faster and can put pep in the step of those in love. Love feeds the hungry, clothes the naked and makes the lonely feel wanted.  Without love, hatred rules in the hearts of men, women and children. Anger and hatred are the ingredients for murder or genocide., which is what is occurring in our nation today.  We need to not only survive, but to thrive individually and collectively [e.g. our family]. 


It’s been many decades, but I do recall the excitement of Valentine’s Day, when I was in elementary school.  My mother would take me and my siblings to the store to purchase packaged Valentine cards.  Do you remember those cute cards?  They came in several varieties and the individual cards in the package had a simple message of affection with pictures of cupids, hearts and cartoon characters.  I took time to meticulously sign my name on each card and then wrote the names of my favorite classmates on the envelopes provided.  On Valentine’s Day, I proudly took my stash of cards to school to give out during the scheduled class party.  It was a fun time exchanging cards and eating treats, to include candy hearts, cookies and punch.  But, the next day, we returned to school and back to our usual class routine, while anticipating the next holiday party and a chance to get a break from classwork {Lol}.

The adult tradition of celebrating Valentine’s Day has most often included giving or exchanging  cards—preferably Hallmark; expensive chocolates, personal gifts to include flowers, perfume, jewelry and others items. The evening would not be complete without a movie and/or dinner at an upscale restaurant.  On this day, expressions of love are freely and generously given to family members, spouses, or that ‘special’ someone.  Like other holidays, it is a day to be enjoyed, but is sometimes dreaded by those, who don’t have anyone special with whom to celebrate.  After all the fanfare and romanticism of Valentine’s Day, it seems that people return unaffected to their usual routines of life.  Shouldn’t this popular day of love have some lasting impact on our lives?  I believe that many of us have celebrated this holiday for years without even knowing its’ history.

“The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. Some believe that Valentine's Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine's death or burial -- which probably occurred around 270 A.D.” (Excerpts from www.history.com)

This month many will celebrate Valentine’s Day extravagantly,  others more simply and some will choose not to celebrate at all because, they are alone and/or without God in this world.  I started to think that perhaps, I would have no reason to give attention or observation to this holiday because, I am single and without a significant other.  I started to assume that this year would be just like the last several years. Whenever, I considered the commercial observation of Valentine’s Day, I would fall into the ‘loneliness trap,' but not anymore! Thank God for His Holy Spirit, Who reminded me that as a believer in Jesus Christ, I am not alone for the Lord has promised never to leave me or forsake me! (Hebrews 13:5b_KJV)  If you know you will be without that ‘special invite’ this year and have no plans to be your single friends, don’t be discouraged—make a date  to spend your evening with Jesus, the faithful, righteous One, who is full of love.  The Bible declares that God is love (1John 4:16b) and also contains many expressions or Valentines of His love, care and desire for you and me.  His timeless love letters found in the Holy Bible were written for all mankind and He continues to ask: “Will you be mine?”

If you would indulge me, I would like to share paraphrases of familiar Bible verses (or Valentines) that express God’s loving care for us:

·       John 3:16 – God loved the world so much, He gave His Only Son, so those in the world would not perish, but have His everlasting life.  This Valentine is for: Whoever believes in Him

·       Matthew 11:28-30 –An invitation to come unto the Lord; to take His yoke, which is easy with a light burden; to learn of Him and find rest for one’s soul.  Addressed to: All you, who work and are tired and burdened

·       Hebrews 4:16 – We are exhorted to come boldly to God’s throne of grace in prayer in order to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.  This Valentine is for: All of us

In preparation for your personal Valentine’s Day celebration, remember to imitate Christ before others.  As you willingly show love to those, who love you; also show love to one another and any strangers in your midst as the Lord commanded. (John 15:12)  When the holiday is over, let love can continue because, God’s love is everlasting. (Jeremiah 31:3)

Remember to set aside some quality time this Valentine’s Day to extol and bless the Lover of your soul. (Psalm 103:1-5)  The Lord always desires to be in fellowship with us and when we get too busy, He woos us by His Holy Spirit.  Remember, Jesus will not force Himself on you but, because of a desire to commune with you, He is standing at the door (of your life) and knocking.  Don’t you hear Him as He softly asks again: “Will you be mine?”  He wants to be your Valentine above all others; to come in to you (your abode) so; He can sup with you and you with Him. (Revelation 3:20_KJV) “For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.  To-day if ye will hear His voice harden not your heart . . .” (Psalm 95:7-8 _KJV) If you don’t get the invite or box of gourmet chocolates you expect for Valentine’s Day, Jesus awaits you with something sweeter and calorie-free: eat God’s Words, which are sweeter than honey; Oh taste and see! (Psalm 119:103; Psalm 34:8_KJV)


Friday, January 27, 2017

Laundry, a Chore or a Joy: Tips for Beginners

As long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed doing certain chores like washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, ironing, vacuuming (the sound is relaxing to me, when someone else is vacuuming-lol)! and doing laundry, which is my favorite! You could think it strange, unless I have a laundry service and work for hire. Why do I enjoy this task, you might ask? Well, for one, I have mastered doing laundry well and work hard to make sure that I wash everything with care.
Perhaps, you are reading this article because you needed some pointers before you did the laundry by yourself or you thought this would be an interesting read; in either case, I trust I will keep your attention. I consider doing laundry an art and like any other art or craft, it’s important to have the best supplies before starting your project. You should already have a washer and dryer or access to both. You can’t do laundry quickly and efficiently without a washer and dryer, unless you want to go old school and use a washing board and tub and have a clothesline in your backyard (lol)! Let’s look at the supplies you will need for doing your laundry:
ü  Laundry detergent (powder or liquid) – I recommend liquid; also the new pods are very convenient, since there’s no measuring, which means no mess and they leave the clothes smelling nice (I have preferred scents I like to use for my clothes.) One important note about pods (e.g. Tide): they can stick to each other and will get soft and leak, because of the heat in your laundry area. If they burst, be careful not to allow any liquid to get on your skin or it will cause a chemical burn. Try using detergents that are safer for both your clothing and the environment [e.g. Ecos, Seventh Generation, Honest)
Free tip: I have found that adding ½ to 1 cup of vinegar (apple cider or distilled) to your wash will both soften clothes and aid in eliminating odors in bath towels. The amount of vinegar will depend on size of load; try ½ cup for smaller loads and 1 cup for larger ones.  
ü  Bleach  (Clorox, Purex, non-Chlorine)
ü  Stain remover (e.g. Spray n Wash, etc.) Create a natural stain remover by searching online.
ü  Fabric softener (liquid or sheets);
ü  Laundry bar soap (gentle treatment to lift stubborn stains)

Once, you’ve got the supplies listed above, it’s time for the part most people don’t like: SORTING clothes. This is really not that difficult; because you can always follow the manufacturer’s directions on the detergent container or you can use the suggestions provided below:

ü  Sort soiled clothes by color and water temperature
ü  Treat any stains or spots before washing according to the directions
ü  Check pockets on all garments for paper, tissue, or other items that should be removed
ü  Turn shirts with applique inside out

Remembering to check all pockets and secret pouches in the garments to be washed is very important and will prevent a lint disaster. My pet peeve is forgetting to check the pockets, when sorting the dark clothes. Don’t be surprised if you forget a couple of times; and be encouraged, because practice does make perfect!
 Once the clothes are sorted, you can get started with washing:
ü   Starting with dark clothes is best especially if you will be using a bleach product on the lighter or white loads of clothes, so it’s best to wash them last. Use COLD water for dark clothes to prevent colors from bleeding (seeping) on the others. Actually, using cold water for all your wash will work. Just experiment and see what works best for you.
ü  Select water level based on size of load
ü  Add detergent or Pod(s) to the tub first and then clothes
ü  Add liquid softener to dispenser or use dryer sheet
ü  Leave lid open to make sure the water level is sufficient for the size load (or change the level) and then put the lid down to start the cycle.

If you use liquid softener, you might not want to use the dryer sheets. Some people use both for extra softening and lasting fragrance. If you want to use a dryer sheet, have it ready to add to the dryer as well as the next batch of clothes for the washer. You should wash your clothes in the following order: 1. dark clothes, 2. light colors and 3.whites. Non-chlorine beach or laundry color booster is good for light colors and warm or cold water will work just fine for washing. You will discover your own preferences the more you do laundry by what works best and does a better job. 

Always check the label on each garment to see if the manufacturer recommends washing in the machine or by hand and/or air drying for less heat to prevent shrinkage. Please feel free to make any adjustments that are suitable for you. If you end up forgetting to check the pockets of the dark clothes or any other load and end up with lint, because of some tissue, you can remedy that with the dryer. As those items dry, the pieces of tissue will end up on the lint filter and your clothes should be lint-free.

You can determine the temperature you need to use by the clothing type and the cycle button on your washer. Please refer to reminder below:
ü   COTTON cycle (high) is used for drying: whites, towels, t-shirts, and A-shirts; PERMANENT PRESS cycle (medium) - for permanent press clothing; DELICATE cycle (low) – for more delicate items needing less heat. Today, most dryers should have an AIR cycle, which can used to dry items without heat; this cycle is shorter than other cycles.  
ü  Always evenly fill the dryer with a full load of clothes to prevent overheating or under drying of clothes. Also, the liquid softener and/or dryer sheet should help minimize wrinkles.
ü  Remove permanent press and delicate items as soon as they are dry. It’s best to check the clothes before the cycle ends to take out clothes that are dry to prevent over drying, shrinkage or permanent wrinkles. You can allow clothes that are slightly damp to continue to air dry on a tubular hanger.

After your clothes are dry, it’s time for folding, which is not a favorite chore for some people. To prevent your clothes from getting extra wrinkles, fold them right after they are dry instead of letting them sit in the dryer. The important thing to remember about folding is to keep it simple. While, it's not hard and doesn’t have to be fancy, do try to go for neatness and you will be glad later on. Also, if you have young siblings or nieces or nephews, you can let them help with rolling socks and folding smaller items such as wash clothes. While you’re perfecting your art, you can also teach them and you’ll all have fun!
Determine which items should be hung up right away to prevent wrinkles.

Check the washer and dryer to make sure nothing is left, or any items that are forgotten may get sour and you will have to rewash them. One last thing before you go, please don’t forget to CLEAN THE LINT FILTER after drying cottons as they produce more lint. It’s a good practice to check and clean the filter after you complete your laundry session, so that it will be clean for future use. Remember, lint has been the cause of many house fires.

Thank you for your time and attention and may your laundry days be happy ones!

COPYRIGHT 2017 • Creative words • Victoria Sellers

Sunday, January 8, 2017

FORGIVE 70 x 70


What do the numbers in the title above make you think about?  If you said a multiplication problem, you would be correct.  Here’s another question to think about: What do the wordsseventy times seven’ mean to you? This question is intended to make you think but, Bible students and scholars alike should be familiar with this phrase, which is a part of the answer Jesus gave to His disciple Peter, when he asked Jesus about forgiving his brother or sister: At that point Peter got up the nerve to ask, "Master, how many times do I forgive a brother or sister who hurts me? Seven?"Jesus replied, "Seven!  Hardly! Try seventy times seven.  (Matthew 18:21_Mess)  Did Jesus mean that we should forgive a brother or sister only 70 X 7 times? That would equal 490 and then our duty to forgive - would be complete, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, we don’t get off that easy and Jesus hardly meant for us to forgive one another only seventy times seven.  Let’s go deeper and look at Jesus’ answer in the King James Version: “Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven.” (Matthew 18:22)  What did Jesus mean by the word until? The word until is defined by Webster-Merriam Online Dictionary and the English Thesaurus as: a function word to indicate continuance, awaiting, pending, in anticipation of. 

Until seventy times seven is: a certain number for an uncertain situation.  Christ’s meaning is, that a man should be all the days, and every day of his life, forgiving those that sin against him, as often as they repent and acknowledge their fault; and that no time is to be set for the exercise of the ‘grace’ of forgiveness; but as often as there are objects and occasions, though ever so many and frequent, it should be used; and He illustrates this in the parable of the Unforgiving Servant in the same chapter.”[1]

Why is forgiving others sometimes so difficult?  There are many reasons but, let’s consider these important points: 1. Satan [the devil] knows that when we choose not to forgive others, we are only hurting ourselves and prolonging personal misery.  On the other hand, when we do forgive others, we are actually blessed because, as we acknowledge God as our vindicator, we are able to release the offender to the Lord for judgment, and can be delivered from a bitter heart, which opens the door for God’s peace.  Jesus taught His disciples how to pray using the ‘Model Prayer.’  Through praying this prayer, they were constantly reminded that as they asked God to forgive them of their debts, they too should forgive others, who trespassed against them.  There would be no point in asking God to forgive you if you did not forgive others.  Another important point is: 2. when we don’t forgive others, we are in sin, which separates us from God and results in our fellowship with Him being broken.  Nothing and no one is more important than our fellowship with the Father, yet we sometimes justify our lack of forgiveness toward others because of the severity of the offense.  Voices whisper in our ear: “If I were you, I wouldn’t forgive him or her for what was done to you.  That was too much and I wouldn’t take it if I were you!”  Yet, God in His great love and mercy gave His Only Begotten Son to die for us, when we were yet in our offenses and His enemies. “But if we confess our sins (or offenses – emphasis mine) to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from our wrongs.”  (1 John 1:9 NLT)

In my personal life, I learned that not forgiving others only hurt me and that the offenders had no clue that even after several months or maybe longer, I was still unglued about what had been done to me.  In my ignorance, I was not resisting the devil and allowed him to mess with my mind, which was not stayed on the Lord therefore; I was far from being in ‘perfect peace.’  I was constantly rehearsing the offenses done to me and wanted vindication because, it was sometimes so hard to release those, who had caused me hurt. Finally, I discovered that, although, it was not always easy, it was liberating, when I chose to release to God those, who hurt me. Scripture tells us that God is not (or will not be) mocked and we will reap what we sow (Galatians 6:9), therefore, we can be assured that God will take care of those who have hurt us (and we too will pay for hurting others). One thing I have learned about vindication is that God does not always allow us to see our enemies fall but, if He does, we must not rejoice or God will withhold His wrath. (Proverbs 24:17-18)

Some final thoughts to remember about forgiveness:

  • As long as we live, we should await and anticipate forgiving and being forgiven by others. “If we do not forgive others, our faith will not work and everything that comes from God-- comes by faith.” To receive freely from God, we must freely give to others. (Mark 11:26);
  • Don’t give place to the devil by holding grudges. Give way to God, be quick to forgive and do not let the sun go down on your anger. (Ephesians 4:26-27)  Forgiveness leads to healing; and last but not least:
Let’s practice forgiving others as well as ourselves, when we fail.
  As we do so, we can learn to love ourselves in healthier ways, let go of hurtful memories and painful events, while we anticipate a brighter future. By consistently applying ‘seventy times seven’ to our own lives, it becomes easier to acknowledge our personal frailties and seek God for His grace, mercy and wisdom to replace the guilt and self-hatred of a painful past with 'sincere forgiveness.'

[1]  John Gills Exhibition of the Bible, Matthew 18:21.